My Policies

Being authentic and transparent are two qualities that are very important to me. I want to have clear communication with everyone I work with to ensure smooth function and understanding. Below you will find my policies for how I run and operate my business. Please read through before becoming a client of mine to understand fully how I go about business. If you have any questions, just ask.

Disclaimer: I may be a doctor, but I’m not your doctor. Materials on this website are for general education and do not constitute medical advice and cannot replace the rich care you can get in the context of a therapeutic relationship with your doctor. If I am your doctor, remember I can’t do the doctoring part of our relationship in the virtual space. Call my office when you need me and we’ll do a visit.


My refund policy is simple. All payments including any initial deposits are non-refundable. Why you may ask? Because I know how easy it can be to second guess your instincts and say, "Oh, no I don't think I really need to do this" or "Life is so busy! I changed my mind." Say yes to experiences and to making yourself better. Commit and show up! You will be so glad you did!

Payment will be expected prior to the time of services (ie buying a product/package or the completion of a call). Payments are collected through Satori, Stripe or Paypal invoices sent to your email. Payment is expected upon receipt.If you decide to leave a Group or Mastermind prior to your payment schedule being complete, you are required to finish all payments.


Coaching sessions are conducted by video chat (via Zoom) or telephone.

Schedule your time through my online calendar link that I can provide.

At the scheduled appointment time, I (Errin) will contact you through your chosen vehicle. We will both commit to start and finish each session on time.

If the client does not answer within 10 minutes of the scheduled time and 2 attempts to contact, I will assume the session is cancelled and you will forfeit the session. If I am more than 10 minutes late, the client will be entitled to a make-up session.

Please reschedule at least 24 hours in advance. Circumstances due arise where this cannot be avoided and I will grant exceptions for special/unusual circumstances like family emergencies or serious illness.

Life absolutely happens, things come up but when you start making intentional changes to your mind, life and circumstances, the universe tends to throw more at you. So, I hold to a simple cancellation policy. If you can't make your scheduled time and cancel 24 hours prior to your coaching time, you can reschedule without losing that session. Anything less than 24 hours, the coaching time can be cancelled but you will forfeit that session (meaning: no make-up or reschedule). Circumstances due arise where this cannot be avoided and I will grant exceptions for special/unusual circumstances like family emergencies, accidents, death but will review them on a case by case basis.

If you miss a group session or Study Hall, these can not be made up but the recording will be available.


Our coaching relationship is built on trust. I absolutely agree to keep all conversations and information with you, the client, private and confidential. No personal ideas, information or thoughts expressed will be shared with anyone except with your permission. Any documentation will be closely guarded. Please also know that as a physician, I am a mandated reporter for potential abuse or neglect of minors or elderly. I also do not diagnose or treat mental health or other psychiatric issues through coaching relationships.


If you find anything on my site, social media or in-person talks, I'm honored that it resonated with you. Please feel free to share however if you intend to use my intellectual property for research or in a monatery venture, please email me first.


My programs, coaching, social media groups, classes and speaking events are safe, positive and encouraging spaces. Bigotry, gossip, racism, destructive and language will not be tolerated. Every person who joins a class commits to confidentiality. We are all here to learn and grow. This takes a certain amount of vulnerability that I will protect. If I feel you are violating this policy, you will be removed from or asked to leave the group, class or event.


If you or I become upset or don’t feel right with our conversation, we must bring this to the attention of the other to resolve as soon as possible. The objective of coaching relationship is to be fully open, honest, real and trusting. Words can be misunderstood and therefore each of us should give the other person plenty of latitude and promptly ask for clarification.


I am motivated and committed to taking action on my determined personal and professional goals. I realize that anything less than my intentional full participation will not lead to my success. I understand that coaching is not advice giving, psychotherapy or counseling. I agree to seek these or other professional services, if needed or directed by my coach.

I am fully responsible for the decisions and actions I take in regards to my life and affairs. I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from coaching.

I agree to be mindful of my own well-being during the course of this coaching process and healthy enough to engage in coaching.

I shall in no way hold the coach liable or responsible for any actions I take during or after this coaching relationship

I understand that all Truth Prescriptions with Dr Errin Weisman material and documents are proprietary

I understand that Errin Weisman D.O. makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved.

I can financially afford the Coaching fee at this time. I agree to pay as outlined in the coaching agreement. I agree that ultimately, it is my responsibility to pay for the services used.

I agree to honor my scheduled session times.

I will read and agree with the Coaching Agreement and Coaching Expectations.


I commit to bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, make requests (including assigning homework), acknowledge your wins, and guarantee utmost confidentiality (to the fullest extent of the law, and so long as I don't fear for your or another's safety) in the powerful, sacred relationship.

My coaching is based on the premise that each client already has the basic knowledge and operating instructions to create his or her right life. My coaching style includes exercises and visualizations that will help you unveil the truest form of yourself, connect with joy and claim the life you desire.

I cannot guarantee your results. You hold your destiny and only you can create powerful results by having the courage and determination to forward the action in your life but I commit to walk along with you.

I will devote my time, thoughts, and energy to you, exclusively during our working relationship. In between our sessions, I may not be instantly available. However, I will always attempt to be available within 24 hours so you can reach me with ideas, problems, questions, etc, or to have a quick call or message exchange.

Though I am a trained physician, I will be acting in a coaching role during our sessions. If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I will insist that you contacting the appropriate professional or schedule an office visit.

I am bound to abide by the ICF Ethical Principles and Code of Ethics.

I am committed to keeping all contacts, information and records confidential. From time to time, information may be shared with other coaches for training and feedback purposes; however the client, along with any identifying information, will always remain anonymous.