Burnout effing SUCKS.

  • Any of these sound like you on the daily?

    “This is not what I signed up for.”

    “I am beyond exhausted.”

    “I’m just running on the hamster wheel.”

    “I’m a shell of myself.”

    “Medicine has swallowed me whole.”

  • -96% of medical professionals agree that burnout is a problem (NEJM Catalyst)

    -44% of physicians experience burnout (Mayo Clinic)

    -41% of medical professionals isolate themselves to deal with burnout (Medscape)

Let’s be honest: The system is broken.

And if we’re not proactive, it will break us.

  • Our current medical system was designed for men with a full-time wife at home.
  • Female doctors and doctors of color face microaggressions from patients and colleagues multiple times a day.
  • Doctors are regularly “voluntold” how to do their jobs and care for their patients, with very little control over their workload, hours, and other critical measures of workplace satisfaction.
  • All of this is a melting pot that inevitably leads to burnout in even the strongest people.

But there is hope. You can heal burnout.

And you can come back stronger.

With Burntout to Badass, you’ll learn all the important sh*t they didn’t teach you at med school, like how to:

  • Rest and Recover. Properly.
  • Harness your Perfectionism and use it as a superpower.
  • Eliminate jealousy, insecurity and the ‘grass-is-greener’ mentality.
  • Conquer Imposter Syndrome once and for all.
  • Establish clear boundaries and stick to them.
  • Overcome your overwhelm.


Burnout to Badass is for you if:

  • You feel hollow and exhausted, you’re considering quitting what was once your dream job, and you have NO IDEA what you’re going to do next.
  • You’ve checked all the boxes on your ‘Perfect Life’ plan, but you feel dead inside.
  • You’re looking around wondering: “Is this it? Is this all my life is going to be?”

Here’s the thing: your life is whatever you make it.

So let’s make it amazing.

So, what’s included?

When you join the Burntout to Badass LIVE Coaching Group, you get:

The Course.

The course has been divided up into 13 easy-to-follow Modules. I know that your life is busy as hell and already super-complicated. I don’t want to add to that! I’ve made a simple, informative, follow-along video for each Module. You’ll always be able to access it, and can play, pause and rewind, so you can go at your own pace, and at the time that suits you best.

The BOBA Workbook/Journal.

You were a huge nerd in school, right? You love that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside when you complete an assignment and get a gold star? Well, I got you. You’ll get a workbook and journal for completing all of your Burntout to Badass exercises. This includes Reflection questions and Real-world assignments so that you can test things out in real life: what’s the use of learning about stuff if you can’t actually use it?

This book’ll be a record of your progress, and a handbook you can refer back to once you’ve finished, if/when you start feeling crispy with burnout again.


A weekly kick up the butt.

We will meet as a group every single week of the course to hold each other accountable, encourage each other to keep moving forward, and there’ll be some verified Errin Weisman sass thrown in that you won’t find anywhere else on the internet! You’ll thank me later.

The Challenges.

On top of the exercises and assignments in the modules, at the weekly meet-up, I will set you Badass Challenges to power-up your progress. You’ll be in the fourth cohort of Badasses, so you know these Challenges are tried and tested and can’t be bested!


It’s scientifically proven: you can’t be a Badass without Swag! When you sign up, you’ll get a bunch of cool stuff adorned with some classic Errin Weisman Sass, designed by yours truly! This includes the Doctor Me First book, a BOBA t-shirt, sassy stickers, cheeky socks, snarky candles…I’m adding to the SwagBag all the time!

You’re BOBA for life.

When you sign up for Burntout to Badass, you are automatically inducted into the BOBA Hall of Fame. That’s right - it’s a lifetime membership! You will have access to all of my top content - podcasts, special episodes and interviews, blogs, the Badass Slack Group, first refusal on new swag, retreats, group outings and everything else. You’ll have access to the entire back-catalogue of all of my content and access to any new content that is added. So, as the content value goes up, the relative cost goes down! It’s a no-brainer.

Course Curriculum

Module Content

    1. Highlights


    3. Straight Talk




    7. Want 5 CME credits?

    8. Module Complete!






    6. TALK IT OUT

    7. Module Complete



    3. Audio Bonus!

    4. Straight Talk



    7. TALK IT OUT

    8. Module Complete!






    6. TALK IT OUT

    7. Module Complete






    6. PEP TALK

    7. TALK IT OUT

    8. Module Complete






    6. TALK IT OUT

    7. Module Complete

About this course

  • 2 hours of video content
  • 12 jam-packed modules
  • Because Burntout to Badass is online, once you’ve finished the live course you can keep the videos! You can refer back to them as often as you like, and move through at your own pace.
  • Plus we have the weekly group coaching calls for 3 months to keep you invested and active in your battle against burnout!phph

Payment Options

You have the option to pay-in-full or to pay with a 4-month payment plan.

You receive a free 1:1 coaching session when you pay in full!

Burntout to Badass is CME Accredited!

...so use your CME dollars to be a BADASS!

If you’re anything like me, you get to the end of the year and realize you haven’t spent any of your CME dollars. Dude, that’s like, free money you’re just throwing away!

Well, not this year.

The AAFP has reviewed the Burntout to Badass Programme and has accredited it as being worth 5 hours of CME. They don’t even mind that the course has the word Badass in the title because they know it’s the real deal. So not only do you get to become a Badass, you get to have your Badassery professionally acknowledged!

Pretty cool, huh?

The small print: This Enduring Material activity, Burntout to Badass, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 5.00 Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians. AAFP certification begins 08/03/2020. Term of approval is for one year from this date. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Don't miss out!

To use the official terminology, straight from BOBA graduates:
“It's the most crazy fun course ever!”

Once you’ve joined BOBA, your burnout doesn’t stand a chance.

Your Badass Instructor

Errin Weisman

Hi! I’m Dr. Errin Weisman.

I don't mean to brag, but I am the face of early-career female physician burnout.

7 years ago, I was suicidally miserable with burnout.

If I could burnout, anyone can. I didn’t understand what was happening to me - I’m fierce, determined, driven and ambitious. I was chief resident. I gave 100% to medicine even when it meant sacrificing other areas of my life. I wanted to leave my job and medicine altogether but I was scared to death of the unknown.

I healed my burnout with the help of a life coach - but she wasn’t a doctor. I became a physician life coach because I believe with every fiber of my being that we need to change and heal ourselves so we can change and heal the system we work within. And only a fellow doctor can know what it’s really like out there.

I’m still coaching now because I want to help people, and I have evidence that it WORKS.

My proof is the real-life physicians I’ve helped.

My proof is their stories about how they’ve made bold changes.

My proof is the lives they are living and the jobs they are loving.

My proof is me.

I created Burntout to Badass because I saw my colleagues suffering in silence and I knew, to my core, how devastating that felt.

I became a life coach so that NONE of my colleagues would ever have to go through what I went through alone.

Just one more step to recover your inner badass...

Refund Policy

Please note all course sales are final. No refunds will be issued.


  • How long do I have access to the course?

    Forever! Once you've enrolled and paid, you'll have access to the course material for as long as you need. So devour it all in one weekend or take things slow. It's your choice!

  • What if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

    My refund policy is simple. All payments including any initial deposits are non-refundable. Why you may ask? Because I know how easy it can be to second guess your instincts and say, "Oh, no I don't think I really need to do this" or "Life is so busy! I changed my mind." Say yes to experiences and to making yourself better. Commit and show up! You will be so glad you did!

  • I still have a question, how can I contact you?

    I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Send me an email at [email protected].

Your life is whatever you make it.

Let’s make it amazing.

Payment Options

You have the option to pay-in-full or to pay with a 4-month payment plan.

You receive a free 1:1 coaching session when you pay in full!


  • Corinna Muller, DO, FACOOG

    (Physician Development Coach at LadyDOx, Right Brain Rounds Podcast, Maternal-Fetal Medicine & OB/GYN physician, Freelance Flutist)

    I’ve worked individually with Dr. Weisman and she is a dynamic coach and understanding human. She helped me through a time when I had to make some difficult decisions by relaying her experience in medicine while being a compassionate coach. Her new coaching course definitely gets right to the point, just like she does, about what can help you in your career and personal life. You won’t be sorry if you are her client or take her online course!

  • Diana

    I learned that you fit anything you want into your life. At the end of the day, it’s about what brings you meaning and joy.

  • A.L.

    I wish Errin’s service could be provided to all medical providers from the beginning to the end of their career. She helps you process your own internal struggles/fears/hopes without judgement, yet helps guide how to explore what’s important, setting realistic goals, challenges you when needed and one heck of a cheerleader! She has a way of connecting with you on many levels, and reconnecting you back to what you went into medicine for and leaning new ways to serve that purpose.